Shrimp Mustard sauce or Mustard prawns is a very flavourful dish. Prawns cooked in a spic...
Potatoes with prawns give their unique flavour and richness to the masala combined in the...
A coastal and konkan style fish recipe is a spicy and most delicious recipe. Any visit to...
Fish and chips is a popular dish in Britain, New Zealand and Australia....
Kingfish is a sea fish that is found in the Indian ocean and is very popular in Southern ...
Spicy tangy Prawns Kerala style is an excellent dish made with prawns cooked in a tangy f...
Oysters is the festive food par excellence for this holiday season. Learn the recipe of Baked Oyster by vahchef.
Some sort of magic happens when those creamy bivalves are topped with butter, meats, and cheese and toasted until golden brown.
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