This is curry recipe. It is famous in Karnataka and served along with poori. ...
Saag paneer with greens gongura curry is one of the most popular Indo-Chinese dishes in I...
Prawns delicately cooked in a saucy gravy made of tender tamarind leaves commonly known a...
Aloo baingan (potato and eggplant) is a great main dish. It's easy to make and can be ser...
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this kind of dish is made only in local toddy compounds because its spiciness will suit v...
Prawns delicately cooked in a saucy gravy made of tender tamarind leaves commonly known as chinta chiguru. This dish is tangy to taste and flavourful.
About Recipe
Royallu vepudu, Eral varuval, Chingri Bhaja |
Neththra'sVision Posted on Tue Apr 16 2013
You have given a lot of details about Chinta Chiguru in the video done in April 10 2009, this video is a good example to your promise about making healthy food. You have said for whom tender tamarind leaves is good for. I think people should watch th
Reply 0 - RepliesTropically Happy! Posted on Tue Apr 16 2013
It is amazing how food from different cultures show you what you waste where you live. The only thing we use we get out of the tamarind is making juice. I had never imagined using the tamarind as a food condiment, let alone the leaves! One must be op
Reply 0 - RepliesSerkan E Posted on Tue Apr 16 2013
Woow nice. Chef I noticed that you didn't make any dish whee use lemongrass or galanga. Maybe a challenge for you ? ;) Thx
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Neththra'sVision Posted on Tue Apr 16 2013
Wow PRAWNS.................Thanks.
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