Quinoa upma is very delicious, flavorful and packed with protein and nutrients. It is a ...
Cheese stuffed onion pakoda is extremely a creative snack made with a mix of chickpea flo...
It is a very easy and spicy green ginger chutney. It is served with dosa....
Murg Malai Kabab, Chicken Malai Kabab are irresistible tender succulent and fragrant piec...
A favorite Andhra breakfast is Minappa (Urad dal) roti that is more popularly known as 'D...
It is a sweet pudding made with roasted chana dal cooked in coconut milk and sweetened wi...
Arranging the apple slices in a flower petal formation may be work for the cook, but it sure provides luxurious eating for your lucky guests. This pie has an exceptionally crisp bottom crust.
About Recipe
Apple, Apel |