Cashewnut Badusha is most liked sweet dish from South Indian delicacies which is yummy in...
Cake is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked. The mango cake is summer special...
This is a rich, delicious and luxurious dessert is a great comfort food on a cold winter'...
A favorite bakery-style chocolate chip muffins recipe which is soft, fluffy, and bursting...
Eggless caramel custard, a good alternative for those who hate drinking plain milk. It is...
This is a very quick recipe for your breakfast making a pancake and pouring mango have pu...
Fig dessert or anjeer ka halwa also known as anjeer ka meetha is a tasty and quick dessert. It is healthy too as it doesn't require Ghee.
About Recipe
Pandlu methai, Palankal inippu, Phol Misti |
Rashmi BN Posted on Tue Mar 29 2016
can I use vennilla essence instead of fruit esscence?
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Atul Sharma Posted on Thu Aug 13 2015
I don't know if it is new set of lights or a new foundation but Mrs. Vahchef's face is really glowing in this video.. :)?
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