Lamb Vindaloo traditionally is a spicy hot dish made with coconut.This flavorful dish has...
Batter-coated fish, fried until slightly browned and then sautéed with veggies and hoisin...
Mushroom korma flavored with whole spices and cooked with a yogurt based gravy and this i...
These leaves have plenty of health benefits, are loaded with minerals and Vitamins, cont...
Eggplant and sesame seeds is a wonderful dish made with a long-sized variety of eggplant ...
Tso's Chicken is an awesome dish made with succulent pieces of chicken battered and deep ...
Poora Haah is a delicious roasted duck from the Northeast Indian cuisine. Learn the recipe of Poora Haah (Roasted duck) by vahchef.
Every country in the world, where duck is a popular form of meat, you will find a variation of the Roast Duck or, as it is called in the local language of Assam, North-East India, Poora Haah.
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