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“Pani Puri” is amongst the yummiest, mouth-watering and taste bud moving snacks. It is most widely used products in the Indian Chaat group, is the perfect example of an Indian roadside snack food You simply cannot avoid it. Pani Puri is a superb snack for the kids when they arrive from school. Little round crunchy... Read More..
About Recipe
Chinthapandu pulusu, Puli kulambu, ?Tentool Tetul thok |
“Pani Puri” is amongst the yummiest, mouth-watering and taste bud moving snacks. It is most widely used products in the Indian Chaat group, is the perfect example of an Indian roadside snack food You simply cannot avoid it. Pani Puri is a superb snack for the kids when they arrive from school. Little round crunchy puris are drenched in mint flavored delicious potato gravy. Preparing Pani Puri in the home is a better means of experiencing and enjoying the lip-smacking snack.
Pani Puri creates a fantastic presentation and it is simply exciting to eat. It is made of some basic ingredients, chana, moong beans and potato mixed with chat masala along with spicy ingredients. Chopped pudhina is sprinkled over the thick masala gravy. It is possible to replace other beans that you've available as well. You place these inside of a puri and add chutney and “pani.” Pani means here a distinctively flavored water.
The Puri are usually made from sooji, Maida, and wheat flour. They're thin and crisp. You may have bought puri ready from the shops. But making Puri in the home is quite simple. It only needs a couple of ingredients. You can store puri in an airtight jar. You can actually use the puri later on to make Ragda Puri, Dahi puri or Dahi batata puri.
Based on the location Pani puri has several names in India:
Positives and Negatives of Pani Puri:
Advantages are pani puri aids you to heal mouth ulcers, additionally, it provides comfort from acidity.
Drawbacks are: Pani puri generally is a high source of fat affiliated calories. Pani puri isn't a food of high satisfied benefit.
Kavvya Sharma Posted on Sat Jun 16 2012
my dear bff, you can get it from embassy of the indian supermarket or maybe gta square lol
Reply 0 - Repliesphani mittinty Posted on Wed Jul 11 2012
Annayya nuvvu keka.. your style of cooking and everything is good but at the end you tempt us like hell.. God give you long life...
Reply 0 - Repliespammi100 Posted on Thu Jul 12 2012
omg the noise he makes when he eats - ha ha so funny. Thanks for great recipe vahchef!
Reply 0 - RepliesAbhishek Yadav Posted on Tue Jul 24 2012
@ 3:45 the camera seen cuts over there his face reactions were not recorded when he make the very first try of his paani.. i think he was just experimenting with the paani Thumbs up if you agree..
Reply 0 - Repliesnidhigahlot Posted on Wed Sep 12 2012
Wats wrong with people!! yogurt in puris (dahi puri) is a very popular version in and around delhi. Ignorance is what the problem is. Some people are just born to say something negative about everything!! sad!!
Reply 0 - RepliesSunandan Sreema Posted on Thu Sep 13 2012
Tried it today and the puri's do puff up. But the puri's are soft. They are not crispy. Why is that so ? Pls temme what could have gone wrong..
Reply 0 - RepliesSuryanarayana Rayapureddi Posted on Sat Oct 27 2012
amazing chef..lots of energy and passion...makes him the best indian online chef ...kudos ...love you
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halie557 Posted on Mon Jun 04 2012
Oh ny gosh,a few days ago I had these with yoghurt n it was soooooooo yummny!!! First time I ate these aswell
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