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Uttapam or ooththappam or Uthappa is a classic South Indian food but is legendary all through India and throughout the world. It's a recipe you are able to fearlessly opt to experiment and also be innovative with and is prepared making use of numerous ingredients like tomatoes, onions, chilies, peas, cheese, spinach or another veggie.
Uttapam is a popular South Indian morning meal and it is generally made out of do... Read More..
About Recipe
Uttapam or ooththappam or Uthappa is a classic South Indian food but is legendary all through India and throughout the world. It's a recipe you are able to fearlessly opt to experiment and also be innovative with and is prepared making use of numerous ingredients like tomatoes, onions, chilies, peas, cheese, spinach or another veggie.
Uttapam is a popular South Indian morning meal and it is generally made out of dosa mixture which requires considerable set-up. Uttapam batter is made from a 1:3 ratios of urad dal and rice; The dal and rice are consequently ground and fermented. The external surface is crispy along with the internal layers are just like idli.
Uttapam is typically made out of toppings like tomatoes, onion, chilies, capsicum and cabbage mix; other popular options are coconut or mixed veggies. It's often consumed with sambar or chutney.
The faster and much easier form of uttapam with sooji or semolina, which demands no fermentation, milling and just a Half hour soaking of the semolina in yogurt. And that's why it's go-to recipe when you wish to produce something fast, but yummy and satisfying.
Preparation of Batter:
Clean and soak dosa rice, urad dal and fenugreek seeds collectively in water for 3 to 4 hours. Soak thin rice flakes for 15 minutes just before milling. Now grind all of these soaked ingredients perfectly adding necessary water. The consistency of the mixture needs to be the same as dosa batter. Keep the mixture in warm place. Allow it to ferment overnight. The uttapam batter is prepared the next morning.
Uttapam is more enjoyable having a slight sour mixture so when you want you can use it for making idlis for the initial two days and then leave the remainder of the batter in the fridge to obtain bitterness. Or keep the entire mixture outside for the next day and it'll turn bitter.
Cut the onions, cilantro, green chilies and curry leaves perfectly and keep it aside.
Add some salt to uttapam batter and blend it well. Now heat dosa grill drizzling some oil on it. When the griddle is properly heated, pour 1. 5 ladle of uttapam mixture in the center. Now spread perfectly cut onions, cilantro, curry leaves and green chilies equally on uttapam. Just let it rest for just two mins and turn it to cook the other side. Uttapam gets cooked with onions along with other veggies having caramelized.
Serve hot with chutney and sambhar.
Dwarakamai Posted on Fri Mar 13 2015
Can we use whole wheat flour instead of maida??
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Tue Nov 25 2014
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