This is a rajasthani recipe and especially made in summer season with dried kher and sang...
Tender tamarind leaves is known as Chinta kaya in Andhra Pradesh and the combination of s...
Poppy seeds and coconut paste used in many vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes....
Konkani Chicken is a special spicy chicken dish, chicken cooked in a spicy gravy of Konka...
Hariyali paneer makhani is a punjabi paneer recipe with succulent paneer cubes cooked in ...
Cabbage Vatana Curry is side dish made with dry white peas also commonly known as vatan...
This is a special Nellore recipe best cooked in earthen pot. Nellore Bommidayila Chepala Pulusu is die for any Nellore people. I experimented this first time in College Station TX with a good friend and perfected it in no time. Like Sanjay says Vahrehvah is about inspiring others to cook for me, cooking is passion and stress buster.
This is what I learned from my amma and peddamma who are expert cooks of this. Once even a pregnant lady in Dallas wanted this when I was in College Station TX. I cooked and sent.
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