Super delicious brinjal omelet would be one of the best ways of including rich nutritious...
A quick and satiating breakfast with vegetable, paneer and cheese stuffing. A glass of mi...
Bhajaniche vade is deep-fried snack made with ‘Bhajani flour’, a flour of roasted multi-g...
A traditional dish from telangana made as evening snack. Sarva pindi is a savory pancake ...
Curd rice or Yogurt rice is a simple delicacy made in South India. Cooked rice is combine...
Methi aloo poha is an awesome breakfast or snack dish. It is easy to prepare and tasty to...
my name is bhanu.iam big fan to this site.i post some of receipes.please demo these receipes to our remaing viewers.veg vadda with all vegtables.nice calori food
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