Spicy keema balls curry is a mutton keema recipe cooked in Indian spices which tastes am...
Green gram crushed and tossed with onions and Indian spices and very well for diet cooki...
Spinach cooked with Indian cheese. Palak Paneer is a popular vegetarian delicacy made of ...
Muga Gathi or Mugachya Gathi is a traditional dish of Goa, is a coconut curry dish made w...
Aloo baingan (potato and eggplant) is a great main dish. It's easy to make and can be ser...
Looking for a different treatment for garden-fresh green beans.Try this stir-fried side d...
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vahuser Posted on Fri May 07 2010
nee moham enta baga vuntundo teliyadu kani; nee koora matuki nee _ _ _ _ _ laga vundi. vadiyalu water posina taruvatha methaga avvava mental dana. mundu veyinchi malli anni kalipi malli veyinchamannavu. rendu moodu marlu veyisthe vadiyalu madi bog
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balla Posted on Wed May 06 2015
its traditional vadiyala pulusu/kura most famous in coastal andhra pradesh and if vadiam fried in the oil light brown it will remain normal when water is added while cooking otherwise it gets powdered or pasty .Its really a good dish that most of th
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