Prawns head pakodi is a easy to make delicious recipe which can be served as an evening s...
Lemon rice is a delicious south Indian dish made with steam rice and flavoured with the...
This is a Kerela flour, recipe. Unniyappam's are sweet dumplings made mainly from rice, b...
The Khan biryani is yet another elaborate and exotic rice delicacy made of marinated spic...
Yam Masiyal known for its mashyness is cooked along with boiled toovar dal. It has the fl...
This crispy chicken cooked with spices is a perfect delight to enjoy on weekend parties. ...
Ulundhu vadai is a very popular breakfast dish in Tamil Nadu.Ullundu vadai is made of the skinned black bean or urad dal (white lentils), soaked, ground to a smooth fluffy paste adding some Indian spices and then deep fried in hot oil.
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