Toffee banana is a classic Chinese dessert. Slices of banana are battered and deep-fried,...
Quick and easy to make, these pancakes are scrumptious as a main course, side dish or bru...
The Christmas fruitcake is a luscious cake made with chopped candied fruits, dried fruits...
Dahipuri, or Dahi puri, is an Indian snack which is especially popular in the state of Ma...
The curry leaves ground to a fine paste and mixed with buttermilk. It can also be taken o...
The best zucchini bread muffins ever. Moist, sweet, packed with shredded zucchini, nuts. ...
This bread goes great with any Italian or Mediterranean meal. Learn the recipe of Tomato Garlic Bread by vahchef.
I've also cut the bread into smaller pieces and served it as an appetizer.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Fri Jun 20 2008
very yummiiiiiiiiiiiii
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