Pesarattu is a pancake made with Moong dal (green gram), made into dumpling and cooked in...
Mutton Sambar is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries. ...
Kadala is a coconut based kala chana (black chickpeas) curry that is rich in protein and ...
There are so many different names for this vegetable, giloda in Gujarati, tindora in Hin...
Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Chutney made with brinjal different from other ...
Taste the delicious Sukha Bhaaji nu Saak, it is also called boiled potato curry. You can ...
In India, tindora is being available throughout the year. Tindora is eaten as curry, by deep – frying it along with spices. Stuffing it with masala paste and frying it makes it really yummy and delish.
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