Shrimp coconut masala is a dry fry curry with not much gravy and each shrimp nicely coate...
Ugadi Pachadi resembles the mixture of feelings in Life: Neem Buds/Flowers for Bitterness...
A spicy and tangy tomato Saar or curry recipe prepared by grinding together garlic, ginge...
Masala ghee rice is one of the easiest and yummiest recipes you can prepare in a short p...
Cheese lings are light brown, crispy fried, bite-size biscuits made of flour, mixed with ...
Onion Kachori are commonly known as Pyaaz ki kachori is an amazing snack dish. This is m...
Awesome recipe with a flavorful combination of tindora and curd with a perfect aroma of spices makes this delicious recipe a must try.
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