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Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Curry made with slender brinjal can be had with chapati or rice.
Brinjal Curry is a superb and extremely flavorful curry made of baby brinjals. There are several methods for making a brinjal curry.
Brinjal Curry is an easy and yummy food that you can make for your lunch or special occasions. It is a traditional Tamil Nadu kuzhambu recipe and it is a little bit overwhelming for lazy people. Brinjal Curry is an extremely tasty dish within the veggie delicacies which goes nicely with roti, chappa... Read More..
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya koora, Kathirikai Kuzhambu, Begun torkari |
Brinjal Curry is a superb and extremely flavorful curry made of baby brinjals. There are several methods for making a brinjal curry.
Brinjal Curry is an easy and yummy food that you can make for your lunch or special occasions. It is a traditional Tamil Nadu kuzhambu recipe and it is a little bit overwhelming for lazy people. Brinjal Curry is an extremely tasty dish within the veggie delicacies which goes nicely with roti, chappati and just about all rice dishes. Brinjal or eggplant includes a meaty firm texture and mixes perfectly with the gravy
Brinjal or Baigan can also be commonly known as eggplant, aubergine. Brinjal, is definitely a quickly harvested plant of the family Solanaceae. Its fruit has lots of nutrition and generally eaten like a veggie. The fruit along with other portions of the plant are used in traditional medicinal practises. It's indigenous to Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The veggie is fleshy and it has meaty consistency. The veggie is capable of absorbing considerable amounts of cooking fats and sauces, permitting loaded meals, however the salting procedure will decrease the quantity of oil soaked up. The veggie flesh is smooth; as associated with the tomato, the various seeds are soft and edible together with all of those other fruit. The skinny skin can also be edible, so peeling isn't required.
Brinjal is another remarkable veggie that's flexible and mixes perfectly along with other vegetables, non-veg foods and spices. Choose only those eggplants (brinjal) which have smooth and glossy skin. The color, no matter what you buy, should be very vibrant. An eggplant that's discolored or has scars and bruises isn't a good option. It shows that the flesh inside the eggplant is damaged or perhaps rotting.
Brinjal is extremely healthy as well as occasionally referred to as poor man’s meat. It's a really low price veggie. Brinjal can be utilized in lots of varieties of preparing food like barbecuing, roasting, grilling or frying. It's loaded in Vitamin A & B and low in calorie. Because of its low-calorie material it's appropriate for those being affected by high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Mahalakshmi Balasubramani Posted on Thu Nov 26 2015
good one,but you haven't made urad dhall to change its color.actually it gives good flavour. vahchef concentrates on this small things also.hats off vahchef.?
Reply 0 - RepliesSaritha Edavana Posted on Sun Feb 21 2016
Thanks for posting such a simple recipe . Yesterday I prepared it.So tasty.My hubby liked it very much.?
Reply 0 - Repliesnamita rane Posted on Wed Mar 23 2016
Thank you for such a simple recipe! Ideal for a newbie cook! :)?
Reply 0 - Repliespurnima madabushi Posted on Wed Jun 29 2016
Thanks for the detailed explanation ... the first curry ever cooked ( only other thing I cooked is sambar from your husband :) ) ....came out good ... will try other recipes too?
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samatha Posted on Tue Dec 18 2018
Brinjal curry is my favorite dish. I like to prefer it on my Lunch menu.
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