Prawn in tamarind sauce is a tangy dish made with prawns cooked in a tangy sauce until te...
Pickled shrimp is a wonderful staple Southern cuisine recipe. It can be had with naan, r...
Shrimp in cream sauce is a very delicious creamy, silky dish made with shrimps cooked in ...
Pomfret fish is marinated with indian spices and dill leaves and shallow fried. Fish is i...
Tasty and crispy deep fried black pomfret fish with ginger is a Chinese dishes recipes th...
Fish masala with poppy seeds is a delicious recipe of fish marinated in a paste of spices...
Takoyaki, or Octopus Balls is one of Japan’s best-known street food originated in Osaka. Learn the recipe of Takoyaki by vahchef.
Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special moulded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion.
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