Spicy Prawn Masala is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries....
Bommidalu Masala Curry is a delicious fish stew cooked in rich poppy seed gravy and with ...
This easy fish tacos recipe is made of grilled white fish. Marinate the fish with lime ju...
How to makecrab cake?How to cookcrab cake?Learn the recipecrab cakeby vahchef.For all re...
Makeral fish massaged and stuffed with shallots, mango and Indian spices and shallow fry ...
This dish doesn't have a gravy and threrefore should be served with naan and not over ri...
Takoyaki, or Octopus Balls is one of Japan’s best-known street food originated in Osaka. Learn the recipe of Takoyaki by vahchef.
Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special moulded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion.
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