Cabbage pickle is a spicy condiment with any meal which is easy to prepare. A traditional...
Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney tastes heavenly when mixed with rice along with a dash of til oi...
Garlic pickle has a very nice hot and sweet flavor. ...
Idli podi is a side dish which is served along with idli....
A combination of spinach and yogurt makes a delicious and nutritious raita. Palak raita, ...
Khajur Imli ki chutney is a sweet-sour recipe prepared with tamarind, jaggery and dates....
Sweet and spicy raw mango chutney or chunda can be used with parathas, pulao or even in sandwiches.
About Recipe
Mamidi pandu pachadi, Mam karathuvaiyal, Aam Chatni |