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Instant Butter Roast Dosa is a brilliant and ideal food made with whole wheat flour added with little butter, salt and pan-fried to get crispy and delicious dosas. Normally dosa making is a process itself and takes time to actually make the batter and leave it for fermentation and then use. But... Read More..
About Recipe
Instant Butter Roast Dosa is a brilliant and ideal food made with whole wheat flour added with little butter, salt and pan-fried to get crispy and delicious dosas. Normally dosa making is a process itself and takes time to actually make the batter and leave it for fermentation and then use. But then if you don’t have dosa batter at home, then you can surely satisfy all those die-hard dosa foodies with this yummy, crispy instant butter roast dosa.
Tastes super delicious, mouth melting and butter enhances the taste and makes it crisp. Instant wheat flour dosa is also known as Godhuma dosa in Telugu. Wheat is an ideal food ingredient suggested for most diabetic patients, hence this dosa become a nutritious and appetizing dish. Normally when we think of whole wheat flour, we immediately focus on the variety of Indian flatbread that is made with wheat flour. Making this variation of Instant dosa with wheat flour is extremely easy and fast to prepare as it does require any soaking or fermenting the batter. Instant butter roast dosa made with wheat flour can be eaten as a breakfast or anytime when hunger strikes.
Whole Wheat flour
Whole Wheat flour is commonly known as Atta or Gehun ka atta in most India states.It is a complex carbohydrate and often used for making flatbreads such as Chapati, Roti, Paratha or puri. Traditionally fresh atta is prepared at home by grinding wheat in homemade stone grinder known as Chakki but nowadays we get a wide variety of Atta flour in different brand names. Whole wheat flour has high fiber content due to high bran and is also high in gluten thus its dough is strong and rolled out very thin.
Nowadays we find a large range of nutritious whole grain flours available in most supermarkets. Whole grains have healthy carbohydrates that give you lots of roughage and dietary fibers. Most of the whole grains used in the Indian cuisine are very healthy. These Indian grains are heart healthy and also helps you to regulate your body weight. Whole grains like Jowar and Bajra are popularly used in most rural parts of India.
The key to good health lies in substituting simple fattening carbohydrates with complex whole grains. So, to enjoy making Indian cuisine, do try recipes that contain healthy whole grains like these. Whole wheat flour consists of all parts of the wheat grain. It has bran which contains fiber and other nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, magnesium and phytochemicals, endosperm which contains carbohydrate and germ which contains vitamin E and polyunsaturated fat.
Generally, wheat flour is considered healthier than maida. Various recipes with Whole Wheat flour Indians have a wide variety of whole grains that are used in traditional cooking. Today, we look at whole wheat atta or flour made from whole grains as the best alternative as they are gluten-free, healthy and offering umpteen health benefits. Some of the popular savory and sweet recipes made from whole wheat flour and whole grains flour are Wheat halwa, Atta ladoo, Wheat Appam, Bhajaniche vade, Homemade roomali roti, Whole wheat banana bread etc.