Coconut Burfi a succulent, chewy Indian sweet delicacy made with coconut cooked in milk a...
Bread pudding is a simple yet delicious dessert made from stale leftover bread that is mo...
Kaja is a traditional Andhra sweet dish and it famous in Kakinada, made with maida and su...
Singhara Atta Halwa Recipe is a fast special recipe which tastes yum and can be used in t...
Red Velvet Cupcakes are so striking with their brilliantly red color, Fluffy, moist, but...
Toffee banana is a classic Chinese dessert. Slices of banana are battered and deep-fried,...
How to makeSizzler Icecream?How to cookSizzler Icecream?Learn the recipeSizzler Icecreamby vahchef.For all recipes visit
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