Sweet and hot stuffed French toast is an elegant twist on the classic recipe for breakfa...
Typical Maharashtrian recipe made with fresh coconut and jaggery flavoured with cardamom ...
Besan rava ladoo is a delicious Indian recipe served as a dessert. Rava and chickpea flou...
Bandar laddu or thokkudu ladoo is the most popular Andhra sweet with a stunning smooth cr...
It is a sweet made from simple sugar syrup, gram flour, and desi ghee....
Quick and easy to make, these pancakes are scrumptious as a main course, side dish or bru...
This is a mouth watering sweet which no body can refuse. The name comes from the seven cups of ingredients we use.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue Dec 20 2011
Today I prepared 7 cups sweet.. actually i followed the recipe from some other website. All the websites almost say the same recipe.. What i did is I followed everything but wen it came to sugar i used a smaller cup. So overall all the ingredients we
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