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Ridge Gourd masala curry is a spicy North Indian gravy curry that tastes delicious with roti and rice
A lot of you'd have made numerous form of ridge gourd or turai for example pachaddi, pickle, bhajji vada and so on, although not several might have attempted this ridge gourd masala. Ridge Gourd Masala is really a hot and spicy North Indian gravy curry that tastes scrumptious with roti and rice. Ridge gourd, onions, and tomatoes mix to provide this recipe a sweet and tangy flavor. It is really an simple vegetarian curry .
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Neyangnattakolu Beera Kayi koora, Pirkkankai Kuzhambu, Jhinga torkari |
A lot of you'd have made numerous form of ridge gourd or turai for example pachaddi, pickle, bhajji vada and so on, although not several might have attempted this ridge gourd masala. Ridge Gourd Masala is really a hot and spicy North Indian gravy curry that tastes scrumptious with roti and rice. Ridge gourd, onions, and tomatoes mix to provide this recipe a sweet and tangy flavor. It is really an simple vegetarian curry .
Ridge gourd curry is among the wholesome and scrumptious curry. Particularly if you have this curry with curd rice, the flavour is going to be amazing.Today we'll learn to make turai ki sabji following this simple recipe.
Beerakaya or Ridge gourd or Turai are all same names of one vegetable commonly known as Chinese Okra in other parts of the countries. This vegetable is popular in Asia and Africa. This vegetable is believed to have originated in the Arabic desserts, and has spread throughout the world. It is a dark green, ridged vegetable having white pulp with white seeds embedded in spongy flesh.
Beerakaya is abundantly used in Indian cooking for making different chutneys, curries, dal or sambar and many more. We mostly peel off the skin and use only the inner parts of the vegetables while cooking. In the case of ridge gourd especially, most of the nutrients are present in its skin.
Beerakaya is extremely versatile as it can absorb the flavors of other ingredients that it comes in contact and can be cook in various ways. Some of the very popular dishes made with this vegetable are: Beerakaya-Mulakkada Kura, Ridge Gourd Skin Chutney, Turai Beerakai with Milk, Beera kaya pottu podi curry and so on. Ridge gourd is also cooked in combination with prawns and eggs or with fresh fenugreek leaves to make it healthy, nutritious and delicious.
Ridge gourd sometimes come out bitter. So, its better to taste the vegetable before making the curry otherwise your curry will turn out bitter.
Ridge gourd has many health benefits and nutritional values and highly recommended by doctors. It contains high in dietary fiber; it becomes the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to lose some weight quickly. It also has very high water content, making it a very low calorie vegetable. It is a good source of vitamin C, zinc, thiamine, iron, riboflavin, magnesium and manganese. The juice prepared from ridge gourd is a natural remedy for jaundice. It also helps as blood purifier, lowers the blood sugar levels and is good for stomach and also awesome for skin care.
Jordan Mattes Posted on Wed Mar 16 2016
Never tasted a ridge gourd, I think I have seen it as "luffa" or "loofah" in a Korean store. What does it taste like??
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Ashwini Reddy Posted on Sun Nov 15 2015
Nice recipe can we pour little water if we want gravy??
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