Kalakand, an exquisite milk-based sweet preparation is an interesting process. Concentrat...
Strawberry Surprise Cake is really a fun recipe to create with fresh strawberries hiding ...
Coeur a la creme translates from the French as “heart of the cream.” Traditionally associ...
Sweet poli is a maharashtrian recipe of sweet flat bread. Poli is a delicious dessert pr...
Banana milkshake is yet another popular milkshake. Make a blended drink with ripe plantai...
An unique variation to the typical halwa recipe,Phool makhani halwa is prepared from roas...
A tasty cooling and thirst quenching drink made from raw mango to ease the heat of summer afternoons. Learn the recipe of Raw Mango Sharbat by vahchef.
Raw Mango Sharbat is one of the famous traditional Indian summer drink. It is very good for health and refreshing drink in summer.
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