When chicken stock is boiled, with some mince meat which is shape it into a ball. A subtl...
Kiss Me Cookies is topped with a chocolate , these choco-vanilla flavored cookies look su...
Masoor dal sprouted salad is a very refreshing and healthy salad. Green moongs are widely...
It is a delicious Chocolate biscuit cake made with nice biscuits topped with an instant ...
Bun Kebab is a Pakistani sandwich, originating from Karachi. It is usually found in roads...
Onions are dipped in a buttermilk batter and deep-fried into a crispy crowd-pleasing appe...
Kosambari is a salad speciality of karnataka, made with green gram dal and cucumber. This is the variation for people who never liked radish.
Radish Salad or Moolangi Kosambari is very easy to make, nutritious side dish or snack.
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