Tomato cut salan contains a mouth-watering flavor accompanied with a nice texture....
These nachos are a cinch to make. Layering the chips and cheese ensures that every chip h...
Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting fresh cheese with a high fat content. It is easy to ...
Suji vada is a tasty and tempting breakfast or evening snack recipe for which the batter ...
Egg Uthapam Fry with a twist of Gunpowder taste makes this delicacy even more special....
Pepper Rasam is very popular in South India. It tastes great with hot steamed rice and li...
Quick Egg curry is a very simple and easy to cook recipe, It’s fast to prepare and taste delicious. Quick egg curry is easily prepared with eggs
Quick egg curry is prepared with a combination of spices with eggs. It tastes awesome with rice and chapati's.
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