Ragda Pattice is yet another chaat recipe from Mumbai. I also like to eat just the ragda ...
Street style bread omelet topped with cheese found all over india....
This is a kids special recipe prepared with baby potatoes. Par-boiled potatoes roasted in...
Pav bhaji - Learn how to make easy mumbai style best popular, delicious and tasty pav bh...
Chana dal (Bengal gram lentils) in a gloriously spiced curry, the kind one describes with...
Street food almost found on roadside. Its a easy to make crispy snack pakoda which can be...
These cute looking triangle shaped samosas also known as pocket samosa are stuffed with puffed rice & veggies, which makes it a healthy snack.
A samosa, or samoosa, is a fried or baked dish with a savoury filling, such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas, lentils, macaroni or noodles. Pine nuts can also be added.
About Recipe
Biyyam, Pachaarisi, Atap chawal |
Wo Tak Posted on Fri May 15 2015
A big thank you from me and my family.I made samosas myself with your video guidance.All thumbs up and once again,thanks from Ukraine.?
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