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Moussaka is a casserole made by layering eggplant with a spiced meat filling then topping it off with a creamy bechamel sauce that is baked to golden perfection.
Moussaka is classic casserole made by layering a bed of potatoes, eggplant with spiced meat filling topping it off with white sauce (creamy béchamel sauce) and bake to golden perf... Read More..
About Recipe
Moussaka is classic casserole made by layering a bed of potatoes, eggplant with spiced meat filling topping it off with white sauce (creamy béchamel sauce) and bake to golden perfection. It is said that Moussaka is the most widely recognized of all Greek dishes and was made famous by the legendary Greek Chef. Moussaka made with eggplant is the traditional version, but this can also be layered with potatoes, zucchini or whatever vegetables you prefer to make a refreshing and filling dish where you may also not need other side dishes.
The preparation time for making the Moussaka may be a bit more but once complete, it’s truly a worthwhile endeavor. This is a very popular dish in Balkan and Mediterranean cuisines with many local and regional variations. The Moussaka is absolutely a very delicious casserole with different flavours amalgamated into one dish, combining to create a luscious and mouth-watering pizza like experience. This is an excellent side dish or a stomach filling entrée.
Eggplants/ Brinjals or Aubergines are generally a turnover ingredient by kids. They often hate eating any type of eggplant or brinjal curry but with a little effort and brilliant variation given, this Moussaka dish surely would turn out to be the most delicious and crunchy snack that kids would crave for. A slice of eggplant, potato and minced meat spiced together and baked with cheese makes a zesty, juicy and crunchy delight to the taste buds.
Eggplant Eggplant is also known as Brinjal or Aubergine and is a common vegetable in most Indian recipes and Mediterranean traditional diets. It is thought that the name eggplant suggests that the first varieties of this veggie was introduced to Europe were small fruited and egg-shaped. The French name aubergine is adapted from Arabic via the Spanish berenjena and its affiliated Indian name brinjal. There are varieties of Eggplants available in different shapes and colour such as elongated, long, round, deep purple, light green, coloured varieties.
In Asia a much wider range of eggplant exists, with great variation in size, shape and colour. When raw, the eggplant does not have any taste, but after cooking it absorbs the flavours well into and becomes very delicious and appetizing. Normally the raw eggplant has a somewhat bitter taste but becomes tender when cooked and develops a rich and complex flavour. Many recipes suggest salting, rinsing and draining of the sliced eggplant as this softens and reduce the amount of fat absorbed during cooking and mainly remove the bitterness too.
Versatility of Eggplant The eggplants are widely used in a lot of Indian recipes. Some popular Indian dishes with eggplant include curries, sambar and chutneys. The eggplant/ vankaya is capable of absorbing large amounts of cooking fats and spices, for making very rich dishes. It can also be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian cuisine due to its texture and bulky soft flesh. Eggplant is also extensively used in various other cuisines globally.
Eggplant is broadly used in Indian cuisine. Owing to its versatile nature and wide use in everyday meals and festive Indian food, it is often describes as the “king of vegetables”. In a dish called Bharli Vangi (Stuffed brinjals), a popular Maharashtrian side dish made with brinjal stuffed with a spicy mixture made from coconut, peanuts and masala and then cooked in oil. Eggplant is used for making other mouth-watering within the global cooking especially used for preparing the Ratatouille (brinjal stew).
How to prepare Moussaka:
To try some of my popular, easy and unique Brinjal/ Eggplant recipes then you could always click on at: https://www.vahrehvah.com
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
tootoshah Posted on Wed May 15 2013
I know how mutch the desh is tasty from ur emm eeem emm lolol
Reply 0 - RepliesMissIffster Christie Posted on Wed May 15 2013
I love your videos! This recipe looks lovely. Thanks.
Reply 0 - Repliesgreentea lotus Posted on Wed May 15 2013
this is almost lasagne! just pasta sheets replaced with egg plant and potato, interesting change though :)
Reply 0 - RepliesHuda Sami Posted on Wed May 15 2013
moussaka is an Arabic dish also. Thank you chef you are the best
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Dominique Posted on Tue Jul 25 2017
If you make this in a cupcake tray lined lightly with butter it will make a great wholesome breakfast dish. I'll try it and tell you how it turns out.
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