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This is a Gujarati special recipe. It can be had for snack or side dish, It is a healthy ...
Tamarind chutney is a south Indian chutney, made with tamarind, jaggery, green chilly, se...
Potato Sandwich recipe is made using the potato filling and onions with some added herbs.
Sandwiches are among the most flexible appetizers, much-loved all over the world. There aren't any guidelines with regards to making a sandwich. Just pick your preferred bread, spread something to moisturize it and fill it with whatsoever vegetables, fruits or beans you wish. You may also include some Salsa or season it with a few spices and herbs. Just let your thoughts go wild, and create a sandwich that is ideal for you. The good thing is t... Read More..
About Recipe
Alu gaddalu vepudu, Urlai kizhangu varuval, Golalu Bhaja |
Sandwiches are among the most flexible appetizers, much-loved all over the world. There aren't any guidelines with regards to making a sandwich. Just pick your preferred bread, spread something to moisturize it and fill it with whatsoever vegetables, fruits or beans you wish. You may also include some Salsa or season it with a few spices and herbs. Just let your thoughts go wild, and create a sandwich that is ideal for you. The good thing is that you may wrap these sandwiches and also have them on-the-go, when you wish to rush.
Indian Sandwich recipes have grown to be extremely popular every day. Indian food is superb way to obtain nutrients for the countless Indian individuals who are working, studying or travelling far away from the home. The majority of the Indian Fast Foods are quite low-cost and incredibly simple to make. You may prepare sandwich for the Tiffin, Brunch or Tea Time Snack or have it as an appetizer.
I've been travelling Indian cities and I am observing professional chefs cooking in their restaurant or even in their street food shops so it's actually great for me to understand the tips for making Indian sandwich and it'll be going to provide you with some flavor as you can get in the Indian fast food joint or street food cart. Indian delicacies provide you with a really massive number of dishes from super easy to very difficult to prepare. Here, I'm giving some varieties of sandwich which you can easily make at home and enjoy!!
Masala Grilled Sandwich - Potato masala food is the Bombay Masala Toast Sandwich. Here the Masala is made of boiled and mashed potatoes, that are tempered with spices. Simple to make, particularly if you have leftover boiled or mashed potatoes.
Besan Sandwich is undoubtedly a delicious recipe made out of a blend of besan (gram flour), green chilies, onions, coriander leaves, salt along with a pinch of turmeric powder that is smoothly spread on the slice of bread, sandwiched and shallow fried.
Tandoori chicken sandwich is an excellent appetizer where delicious grilled tandoori chicken pieces with lettuce, mayonnaise and chutney are stuffed in between bread slices and offered making a delicious and ideal sandwich.
GianniAzul3609 Posted on Wed Jan 21 2015
If you need to enjoy it, you need to make it. lol?
Reply 0 - RepliesKhokon Mimi Khan Posted on Sat Mar 07 2015
mam, there is no doubt that your recipes are pretty simple and tasty but your finger nails and some time the color meaning nail polish on those? extremely disgusting! in this video after putting the filling inside the bread while you are pressing tha
Reply 0 - RepliesDwarakamai Posted on Sun May 31 2015
Instead of frying in butter we can use little olive oil to make it healthy!?
Reply 0 - RepliesCandy Sara Posted on Fri Jul 10 2015
ap khud dishes banate hain,upar se ap khud hi itni itni tarif karte hain! to bhai, hum kya karein!!!!!?
Reply 0 - RepliesEmunah Ahv Posted on Mon Jul 27 2015
Ugggh this is making me so hungry I havent eaten all day?
Reply 0 - RepliesLatha Thinakaran Posted on Wed Aug 26 2015
thank you I am making it tomorrow morning?
Reply 0 - RepliesAshritha Ashu Posted on Thu Oct 01 2015
wow it looks yummyy....Thanku soo muchCan i grill it?????
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Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Wed Jan 21 2015
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