Kalmi kabab a popular snack in Indian cuisine.or delicious side dish. It is juicy and ten...
A mouth-watering Pompfret masala fish stuffed with spices and cooked in a yummy and delic...
Urad Dal and Raw Mango Chutney is very simple and easy dish. An easy and healthy Andhra ...
Eggplant bajji with stuffing inside the bajjis makes it even tastier. Brinjal Bonda (Bri...
Crispy corn pepper cashew is an excellent dish which can be served as a snack especially ...
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Kids likes sweet modak, whereas elders like savoury, the filling is a breeze. This, though, takes a little bit more time and little lengthy way of making, than the sweet one. A perfect Vinayagar Chaturthi Prasadam
About Recipe
Bellam Bellamu methai, Vellam inippu, Gur Misti |
mahatirachapudi Posted on Sun Oct 25 2015
Great recipe and good explanation! How long should the urad dal be soaked for the savory filling??
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