Sweet potato poli is a stuffed flat bread made in traditional Indian style by stuffing bo...
This traditional favourite fried pastry with an aromatic nutty filling and peculiar rolle...
A perfect, mouth-watering, aromatic shiny and pretty Moong Dal Halwa loaded with lots of ...
A mouth watering sweet recipe which is specially made for fasting as well as during festi...
Gavvalu means shells and this sweet is shell shaped traditional sweet made in Andhra Prad...
This is a tasty, calcium rich Indian bread recipe. This can be prepared for festive occas...
Moong dal barfi is a delicious variant of ever famous barfi. It doesn’t require any mastery skills but tastes so great that it just melts in your mouth. Even newbie cooks can give this easy sweet a try.
Pesarapappu Minapappu Barfi is a rich sweet recipes which tastes amazingly delicious.
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