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Paneer Paratha is nothing but Indian bread stuffed with cottage cheese. It is a filling a...
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Recipe of Paneer Butter Masala is an extremely preferred and traditional Punjabi food with yummy and soft Paneer (Cottage Cheese) are cooked in rich and creamy tomato based spicy sauce and is loved by everybody, and Paneer Butter Masala recipe perhaps the most promoting food in Indian Restaurants and the most Indian restaurants worldwide.
As the name signifies, it is made of pan fried o... Read More..
About Recipe
Recipe of Paneer Butter Masala is an extremely preferred and traditional Punjabi food with yummy and soft Paneer (Cottage Cheese) are cooked in rich and creamy tomato based spicy sauce and is loved by everybody, and Paneer Butter Masala recipe perhaps the most promoting food in Indian Restaurants and the most Indian restaurants worldwide.
As the name signifies, it is made of pan fried or raw paneer pieces plus the gravy made from tomato has Makhan, refers butter or cream in Hindi. It pairs appropriately with Indian flat breads like Naan, roti, paratha and also rice. It is a delicious food so certainly heavy to the calories so that it is suitable mainly for special occasions, celebrations, gathering instead of daily use.
Paneer butter gravy is made using tomato puree, onion paste, cashew paste, and few essential Indian spices. Though, it may look like a little complex, but once you've all of the paste prepared, then paneer butter masala is often prepared within a few minutes.
Paneer butter curry is actually the vegetarian form of butter chicken. It is the exact same gravy but the chicken is substituted for paneer- Indian cottage cheese. Paneer Makhani goes by various names; Butter Paneer, Paneer Makhanwala, Paneer Butter Masala and a might be a few more.
How you can make paneer:
Paneer is a lot easier than other cheese to make at home. It takes only few hours for all procedure and just two ingredients- To make yummy paneer boil milk and an acid (lemon juice or vinegar) is added, add producing into lumps and greenish whey are separated. Paneer are simply pressed into a cube after which sliced up or chopped or grated.
Milk for Paneer:
Various kinds of milk have been used for the manufacturing of paneer. The quality of paneer depends upon the quality of milk by which it is produced.
Buffalo milk was most traditionally used for making paneer as fat content in it is about 5%. But nowadays whole milk is usually used as it is ready available.
Low fat paneer of acceptable quality can be made from cow milk standardized into a fat content of 3%. Grass fed natural milk will provide you with the best flavor paneer.
Benefits of paneer:
Paneer is actually a rich way to obtain protein offered at a relatively less expensive and varieties an essential source of animal protein for vegans. In addition to that, its high protein content and digestibility, the biological valuation of protein in paneer is within the range of 80 to 85. Add-on, paneer is a valuable origin of fat, vitamins and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. It provides a reasonably long shelf life under refrigeration.
Sofia Ahmed Posted on Fri Jun 26 2015
Interesting receipe ?
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