This is one of the simple & very easy to make cookies that makes a perfect gift for your...
Garlic toast is a delicious spread of fresh garlic, butter and all natural margarine gene...
Chocolate dosa is a kid special recipe, can be served for breakfast or as a snack. ...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
Eggless nan khatai Cookies are buttery soft melt in the mouth Indian cookies. Goes great ...
Bhajaniche vade is deep-fried snack made with ‘Bhajani flour’, a flour of roasted multi-g...
Orange Lassi is a very popular recipe. Learn the recipe of Orange Lassi by vahchef.
Orange Lassi is a popular Indian sweet yogurt drink. Orange Lassi is prepared with orange, yogurt, honey or sugar and seasoned with cardamom. This is a refreshing and satisfying recipe, which is perfect for a summer drink. Orange Lassi is a delicious cooling recipe, and this can be served as an evening brunch or simply accompanied with any of your favorite spicy meals.
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