A simple yet delicious lentil preparation made in mostly every Indian home every day, boi...
Mayoni kebab is a prepared with mixed dals. Kebab, is a Middle Eastern, Eastern Mediterra...
Cabbage and Dal Paratha are really nutritious and tasty stuffed parathas! ...
Bengali Style Cholar Dal is a delicious lentil dish and festive dal that is often made f...
Green Moong Chutney is quick to prepare dish, simple yet delicious chutney to eat with jo...
This unique south Indian rasam is flavored with brinjals. It has mild seety flavors of br...
Onion Sambar is a very popular South Indian sambar. It goes well with rice and most South Indian tiffins (breakfast) items like idli, dosa, vada, upma etc.
About Recipe
Neerulli pulusu, Vengayam kulambu, Pyaj thok |