Feet of lamb cooked into curry. Paya Attu kalu curry is an authentic dish where legs of l...
Meatballs are made with ground lamb, onions, egg, and bread crumbs, browned in a skillet,...
Traditionally shami kebabs are made using spices minced meat and chickpeas and are cooked...
Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Paratha is a popular unleavened flatbread stuffed with spiced minced...
Surprise the spice lover in you with this awesomely delicious Red Chili Mutton Pulav reci...
This dish mostly made by labor or low class people because this trimmings were low cost t...
Nihari is extremely a popular national dish in Pakistan and also eaten among Muslim community in India, Nihari is a delicacy made from beef shank (rarely lamb) and spices.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue Jul 24 2012
without ginger powder and fennel powder how com nihari will be completed
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vahuser Posted on Sat Aug 31 2013
i belong to a delhi wali family and i never heard of a nahari recipe which requires any of the mentioned ingredients except red chillies and salt and meat. i wonder if the person who posted this recipe even knows what nahari smells and tastes like.
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