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Naan is definitely the well-known bread from northern India and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and surrounding areas, which is baked inside a unique tandoor oven. Variations of naan can be found from India to Central Asia on in to the Middle East.
Naan can be made from either all-purpose flour (Maida) or wheat flour. The Naan made with wheat flour has good for health but usually Naa... Read More..
About Recipe
Naan is definitely the well-known bread from northern India and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and surrounding areas, which is baked inside a unique tandoor oven. Variations of naan can be found from India to Central Asia on in to the Middle East.
Naan can be made from either all-purpose flour (Maida) or wheat flour. The Naan made with wheat flour has good for health but usually Naan is made of all-purpose with yeast and oil. Those who do not eat yeast is usually use yogurt, baking powder and milk. The naan is bread is prepared in the traditional tandoor, but for people who don't have tandoors in the kitchens, they can use thick base tawa or grill plates for preparing the naan. Do not forget to brush butter just before serving hot naan. They go wonderfully with rich curry dishes and frequently offered in restaurants.
Different types of naan:
Amritsari Naan - filled with mash potatoes and spices and also called ‘Aloo Naan,’ originating from Amritsar, India.