Mango Kadhi is an excellent side dish made with mango juice added to ghee tempered yogurt...
Aloo baingan (potato and eggplant) is a great main dish. It's easy to make and can be ser...
Sprouts Cutlet (Vadalu) is a delicious snack recipe made in a jiffy....
Try this Vegetable Roti with Beetroot Apple Juice as a healthy combo start of the day....
Bottle gourd and moong dal kootu is a South Indian sorakkai kootu with moong dal lentils ...
Butter chicken or murgh makhani is an Indian dish from the Punjab region popular in count...
Nankhatai are shortbread biscuits popular in India and Pakistan. Learn the recipe of Nan Khatai by vahchef.
The word Nankhatai is derived from Persian word Naan meaning bread and Khatai from an Afghan word meaning Biscuit.
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