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Hyderabad is a city of authentic Royal Nawabi Cuisine. Mutton Biryani is one of the popular cuisines with the richness of meat cooked in rice by spicing with freshly grounded spices.
Hyderabad is a city of authentic Royal Nawabi Cuisine. Mutton Biryani is most popular dish of this cuisine. It originated from the historic era of Nizam of Hyderabad. Today it is a well-known in the entire south Asia particularly in India and Pakistan. It is often served with Bagara Baigan, Mirchi ka salan and Raita.
Biryani is one of the most... Read More..
About Recipe
Hyderabad is a city of authentic Royal Nawabi Cuisine. Mutton Biryani is most popular dish of this cuisine. It originated from the historic era of Nizam of Hyderabad. Today it is a well-known in the entire south Asia particularly in India and Pakistan. It is often served with Bagara Baigan, Mirchi ka salan and Raita.
Biryani is one of the most popular dishes over the globe. It is one of the signature dishes of Hyderabadi. This is an authentic meal invariably includes mutton, chicken or lamb or vegetables, but mutton is one of the most popular dishes. The Nizams served some 26 varieties of biryanis for their guest.
The biryani is cooked in two ways: Pakhi biryani and the kachche biryani. The kachche gosht ki biryani is a traditional style of making the biryani by cooking the raw meat with spices for couple of minutes and then covered with rice and put on dum.
Hyderabad is a city of traditional Royal Nawabi Delicacies. Mutton Biryani is the most in-demand food of the cuisine. It came from the ancient period of Nizam of Hyderabad. These days it’s popular in the entire south Asia specifically in India and Pakistan. It's often offered with Bagara Baigan, Mirchi ka salan and
Biryani is among the preferred food across the world. It is probably the trademark food of Hyderabadi. It is a traditional food usually contains mutton, chicken or lamb or veggies but mutton is probably the most widely used dishes. The Nizams served some 26 types of biryanis for their guest. The biryani is cooked in 2 ways: Pakhi biryani plus the kachche biryani. The kachche gosht ki biryani is a standard type of making the biryani by cooking the raw meat with spices for short while after which covered with rice and put on dum.
vahuser Posted on Sun Mar 03 2013
marination is not described in recipe to marinate ............
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