Feet of lamb cooked into curry. Paya Attu kalu curry is an authentic dish where legs of l...
Mutton bones rasam is a luscious, flavorful, tangy and spicy soup made of tender mutton b...
Meatball curry, a mutton kheema recipe cooked in Indian spices, is classic Anglo Indian f...
Chicken baida roti is an awesome and delicious combo of flavorful chicken, eggs in crispy...
Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Matar: Mince meat of lamb cooked with peas, you can substitute it wi...
Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Paratha is a popular unleavened flatbread stuffed with spiced minced...
Mutton Bhopla is a world famous Indian delicacy which is native to Kashmir.
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