Mutton Shahi Korma is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curry with roti or naans....
Kashmiri Style Mutton Pulav is a traditional pulao recipe from the Mughal cuisines. This ...
Galouti Kebab is simply made with minced meat. The lamb meat is cooked in butter, roasted...
Liver with dill leaf is a wonderful preparation with exotic and mouth-watering flavours f...
Achari Mutton tastes great with its unique flavor which can be served with both roti or h...
Kheema mutti is an excellent gravy curry item made with lamb meat, mince and spices combi...
It's a delicious home style dish made popular by restaurants all across, Palak Gosht is a simple dish to cook and it looks extremely appetizing.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Thu Mar 20 2008
I tried it , tastes awesum.
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