Colocasia Lotus flax nuts curry is a delicious combination of 2 healthy vegetables (i.,e...
Methi Malai Paneer is loved by everyone and it goes well with all sorts of Indian breads....
Any recipe made with eggplant taste good. Chutney made with brinjal different from other ...
This paste is used in many mughlai and and south Indian gravies. ...
Coastal fish fry one of the popular dish with unique spices flavored marinated fish to de...
This humble poor man's food tossed with chili and garlic is a simple vegetable preparatio...
Mchuzi wa Biringani (Eggplant Curry) is a favorite of the Swahili people all along the coast of Eastern Africa. Learn the recipe of Mchuzi wa biringani (Eggplant curry) by vahchef.
The Swahili word for eggplant is Biringani, and Mchuzi wa Biringani (Eggplant Curry) is a favorite of the Swahili people all along the coast of Eastern Africa.
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