Crab Masala Fry is a fragrant medley of spices and aromatics. Its spicy punch is set off ...
This is a south Indian recipe especially prepared in Andhra Pradesh. Here curry leaves m...
Brinjal rolled up with some paneer stuffing and cooked in tangy tomato gravy with the tou...
Gongura pappu is one of the delicious pappu recipes from Andhra cuisine. This simple to ...
This biryani is slightly different from the usual method, the chicken is first fried and...
Bommidala pulusu is a traditional Andhra fish curry. Andhra cuisine is known to be cooked...
How to makemaida hot biscuits?How to cookmaida hot biscuits?Learn the recipemaida hot biscuitsby vahchef.For all recipes visit
this hot maida biscuits is a very delicious & crispy
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