Spinach paratha stuffed with flavored paneer, One of the easiest and healthiest recipe th...
The Beetroot Puri is an attractive breakfast and snack recipe with fabulous flavors and b...
This is an easy and nutritional paratha and can be packed as a tiffin box recipe for scho...
Rajma Masala roti is a tasty combination of spices and Rajma which satiates your taste bu...
This is iron rich ragi dosa recipe served as a breakfast....
Lacha paratha is one of the famous recipe of North India. Lacha paratha is a kind of flak...
Maddur vada is a type of onion vadai but unique in taste. This vada is made of all-purpose flour, rice flour and semolina which are mixed together with a spoon of ghee and added with some finely chopped onions, spiced with green chillies, flavoured with ginger, curry leaves, coriander leaves and hing. All ingredients are mixed well to make a stiff dough. A small amount of dough is taken, made into the shape of a patty and fried in the air fryer until golden in colour.
Maddur Vada is a traditional snack preparation typically larger in size than a normal vada, it’s flat, crispy (to the point of breaking and soft inside) and does not have a hole in the center. This vada is unique to the state of Karnataka, especially available in the town of Maddur, Mandva district from where this vada derives its name.
About Recipe
Curtis Farmer Posted on Sat Dec 27 2014
Good day Chef. I purchased the Philips Air Fryer and love it. I also purchased the baking tray baking accessory and the grill pan accessory. I'd love to see some uses and recipes using these accessories. Love watching and learning... Thanks Chef.
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1sr0 Posted on Wed Aug 27 2014
Chef, can you please show some air fry recipes with flours that are gluten-free like rice flour, quinoa flour, millet flour etc??? Thank you.?
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