The flax seed ladoo recipe is a super healthy, high in protein and energy. Flax seeds and...
Dond ke ladoo, a popular sweet preparation from the Rajasthani cuisine made with urad dal...
Ande ki Piyosi is an age old traditional dish from the Royal cuisine of Hyderabad especia...
Kunafa is an Arabic dish, prepared in the month of Ramadan. Its base is sweet sugar-based...
Sweet Semolina Poori is an Indian sweet. ...
Jangri or Jhangri is also known as Imarti or Emarti in northern India. Made from urad dal...
We recite thiruppavai in Dhanurmasam throught the month (between December-January) and make this reipe. Please do not change this recipe. It tastes so good as it is.
Thank you.....
Lakshmi Sambaraju
About Recipe