Sweet potato gulab jamun is popularly known in Bengal....
Fried butter biscuits are one of the best homemade easy to make biscuit recipes which wil...
candy making with mackenzy and nickole...
A traditional sweet made with bottle gourd is prepared on festivals or eaten as a fruit d...
How to makeCHIKKI WITH SUGAR?How to cookCHIKKI WITH SUGAR?Learn the recipeCHIKKI WITH...
This is kids favorite recipe, Mango crepe is delicious mango stuffing, garnished with car...
kalakand is a popular Indian sweet, this is energy rich recipe. Kalakand packed with calcium and protein.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Wed Jun 10 2009
I have one questin and that is, should we rinse after we drain it. Because i once made kalakand from scratch and i did not rinse the chenna, and the rest of the milk curdles too. It took me 3 hours to make kalakand from 2 ltr of milk. I need so
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