Spicy Prawn Masala is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Curries....
Spicy andhra chicken curry is a gravy based curry which can be made very quickly on a laz...
Low-fat butter chicken that the whole family will be delighted to cherish. This is most ...
Shrimp in cream sauce is a very delicious creamy, silky dish made with shrimps cooked in ...
Tomato cut salan contains a mouth-watering flavor accompanied with a nice texture....
Pumpkin Coconut curry is an amazing dish; pumpkin cooked in a yummy fresh grated coconut,...
Kaima idly, a unique breakfast with combination of vegetables perfectly cooked with left over idli pieces and spiced with gun powder. It is prepared in a jiffy if cooked idli are available.
How to make Kaima Idli?How to cook Kaima Idli?Learn the recipe Kaima Idli by vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
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How to make Kaima Idli?How to cook Kaima Idli?Learn the recipe Kaima Idli by vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com