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Bellam Paasham is one of the favorite South Indian dish made during Ganesh festive season.
Ganesha Chaturthi is the Hindu festival recognized in honor of the elephant-headed lord, Ganesha. Ganesh Utsav celebration was initially famed by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja, the truly great Maratha leader and also since then it's getting carried on. This festival is widely also referred to as ‘Vinayak Chaturthi’ or ‘Vinayaka Chavithi’. It is an extremely auspicious day recognized to pray to the lord so that each... Read More..
About Recipe
Bellam Bellamu methai, Vellam inippu, Gur Misti |
Ganesha Chaturthi is the Hindu festival recognized in honor of the elephant-headed lord, Ganesha. Ganesh Utsav celebration was initially famed by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja, the truly great Maratha leader and also since then it's getting carried on. This festival is widely also referred to as ‘Vinayak Chaturthi’ or ‘Vinayaka Chavithi’. It is an extremely auspicious day recognized to pray to the lord so that each and every new task that's begun is properly accomplished without any hurdles. He's the Lord of knowledge.
Public Plans for the celebration starts months in advance. They're usually financed by regional citizens, companies and community organizations. The idol making in Maharashtra generally starts with "Padya pooja" or worshipping feet of The almighty Ganesh. The idols are brought to "pandals" or short term structures generally 15-20 days before. The pandals have detailed decoration and lighting effects.
In the home the celebration starts with the purchasing and then the ceremonial installing of a clay-based murti (idol). Family members decorate a small, clean area with flowers along with other vivid things prior to putting in the idol. Once the idol is mounted, it as well as its shrine are furnished with flowers along with other resources.
In India, Ganesha Chaturthi is usually celebrated both at home and in public places by local people organizations in the central and western states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa as well as the southern states of Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu
The main dessert in the celebration is modak. Foodies wait around for Modak, a delicacy well prepared making use of rice or flour filled with grated jaggery, coconuts and dry fruits along with other condiments and steamed or deep-fried. The dish that contains the Modak should be full of twenty-one pieces of the dessert. Modak is referred to as various name which includes modak in Marathi and Konkani, modakam or kudumu in Telugu, modaka or kadubu inKannada, kozhakatta or modakkam in Malayalam and kozhukattai or modagam in Tamil. One other popular sugary recipe is the karanji, much like modak in formula and flavor however in a semicircular form. This sweet food is known as Nevri in Goa and it is symbolic of Ganesh festival within the Goans and also the Konkani diaspora.
In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana modak, laddu, vundrallu (boiled, coarsely-ground rice-flour balls), panakam (a jaggery-, black pepper- and cardamom-flavored drink), vadapappu (soaked moong lentils) and chalividi (a cooked properly rice flour and jaggery combination) are offered to Ganesha. These offerings are referred to as naivedya. In Goa, modak along with a Goan form of idli (sanna) is preferred.
Ravi Kumar Posted on Sun Sep 20 2015
My mom adds milk instead of of water for this desert, This enhances the taste very much!Nice recipe, thanks :)?
Reply 0 - RepliesBharti Sharma Posted on Tue May 24 2016
Wow looks yummy and its simple too.. thanks for sharing ;-)?
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Arif Shaik Posted on Thu Sep 17 2015
Do u like the gee? I don't like the gee.. G E E E.. I use ghee?
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