Paneer Kali Mirch is a deliciously spicy recipe which will be a definite hit with spice l...
Thotakura pulusu (stew) is a very simple and tasty dish spiced up with chillies and sweet...
This kind of chicken curry cooked by hotel staff they add their own favourite flavours....
This traditional Sindhi recipe is a good combination of leafy vegetables with dal which p...
This quick and tasty dish stir fried shrimp with vegetables make this dish delicious serv...
Bitter Gourd is considered as the bitterest of all vegetables, but when combinedwith othe...
Ivy Gourd Fry kootu is a delicious South Indian recipe. Kovakkai is a very popular and common vegetable prepared in all most all the houses. This excellent vegetable is a good source of protein and fibre. This recipe is good for asthma and diabetic patient.
About Recipe
Dondakai koora, Kovaikai Kuzhambu, Tindora torkari |