Are you suffering from digestion related problems like Diarrhea, Malabsorption, Weight Loss, Abdominal pain and swelling, Food intolerance, then keep watching……some of the best foods good and bad for digestion problems.
Foods best for Digestion problems:
- Banana: They are one of the excellent fruit that is good for your bowel function. This fruit assists your body in restoring the lost potassium. It is also a rich source of fiber that aids your digestion. Ripe bananas are easily available all through the year and not very expensive.
- Oats: Oats contains a lot of soluble fiber, thiamine, selenium, and vitamin E. These components are essential for the body and helpful for waste extraction, and help in good digestion.
- Ginger: Ginger is one of the excellent foods for digestion. Ginger when added in food helps stimulate saliva, bile and gastric juice production to aid in digestion. By improving digestion, ginger will naturally reduce the potential for intestinal gas and flatulence.
- Yogurt: Yogurt is a cooling food that has a lot of good bacteria and probiotics. Probiotics help strengthen your digestion, improves the immunity system, and improves your overall health. This food is easily available and easy to eat.
- Sweet Potato: An excellent food best for digestion. They are rich source of fiber within them and help in calming your irritated stomach down.
- Red Beets: Beetroot help relieve the pain from constipation condition and abdominal upsets.
- Avocados: This is a rich source in Fiber and monounsaturated fats. There are easy on stomach and easy to digest. Avocados are considered the best foods for digestion.
- Flax seeds: These lovely little seeds are rich in fiber and oil which aid help clean your intestines.
- Apples: This fruit is considered to be one of the most healthiest and nutritive fruits. Eating apples increase the bulk to your stool, relieve constipation, and maintain digesting process smoothly.
- Whole grains: These are awesome grains rich in fiber thus good for digestion. Eating whole grains daily boost digestive health.
Other foods good for digestion are papaya, blueberries, kiwis, garlic etc. Fiber is very essential that keeps foods moving through digestive system. If you don’t have healthy bowel movements then your body would be retaining the wastes like a garbage bad.
Hence its important the you include fresh vegetables, legumes, fruits that are packed with healthy fiber in your daily diet. Foods worst for digestion: Some of the foods worst for proper digestion are chocolate, processed foods, spicy foods, greasy or fried foods, dairy products, coffee, red meat, acidic foods, gluten, artificial sweeteners, and hydrogenated oils etc.
Keeping your digestive system healthy will obviously keep your overall health in good condition. Check out and have the right foods that help good and proper digestion. Look out for nice coloured, crisp and fresh fruits and vegetables which are beneficial to your overall health to make it a part of your daily diet.
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