This is a delicious snack recipe, plantain are rich in fiber which can lower your choles...
Masala peanuts is a deep-fried snack very popular recipe in India. This makes a great mu...
A simple instant breakfast dish made with bread crumb, semolina suji and buttermilk....
These little banana tarts are one of the most popular Mauritian desserts. Mashed bananas ...
A unique kind of soup made with mushroom flavored with honey and serve with a french frie...
Looking for a different treatment for garden-fresh green beans.Try this stir-fried side d...
Horlicks Oats Puliyodharai ladoo & oats Sarvapindi is a healthy way of having oats at any time. It is highly recommended for people who want to lose weight without going on any crash diets.
Oats sauteed in tamarind and flavored with simple tempering enhances your taste buds.
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