This is easy to make and tasty snack recipe for evening time. Appealing look with delicio...
Macaroni chaat is a instant chatpata chaat recipe for snack and parties. Macaroni chaat r...
Kara sev is a very popular snack and very easy to prepare made with chickpea flour and s...
A typical Rajasthani vegetarian dish made with moong dal vadis cooked along with spring o...
It is a fried snack that can be prepared in two different flavors sweet and salty (khara...
Onion Pakoda is a deep fried batter snack made of gram flour (besan), other spices and on...
How to makeHara Bhara Chat?How to cookHara Bhara Chat?Learn the recipeHara Bhara Chatby vahchef.For all recipes visit
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